Kebijakan Swasembada Beras: Keinginan Besar yang Kehilangan Fokus (Rice Self-sufficiency Policy: Big Desire but Losing Focus)

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M. Husein Sawit


Tantangan swasembada beras semakin tinggi dan risikonya besar. Hal ini disebabkan antara lain oleh buruknya infrastruktur irigasi dan tampungan air, kerusakan aliran sungai dan deforestrasi meluas, konversi lahan sawah, serta perubahan iklim. Kebijakan beras belum fokus. Tujuan makalah ini adalah menelaah implementasi kebijakan beras periode 2010-2012. Hasilnya disimpulkan dan disarankan sebagai berikut: (i) subsidi input terus ditingkatkan namun tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap peningkatan produktivitas dan sustainabilitas pertumbuhan produksi padi. Irigasi dan kualitas tampungan air banyak yang rusak, lahan kritis mencapai 68 DAS (Daerah Aliran Sungai). Alokasikan APBN yang lebih besar untuk mengatasinya, termasuk deforestasi; (ii) Konversi lahan sulit dibendung, UU 41/2009 belum efektif. Pemda cenderung ingin mengkonversikan lahan sawah. Segera tetapkan moratorium konversi lahan sawah; (iii) Kebijakan menaikkan insentif harga di atas HPP (Harga Pembelian Pemerintah) pada musim gadu telah memicu kenaikan harga beras dan target pengadaan beras BULOG tetap tidak terpenuhi. Pemerintah dianjurkan
jangan mengulang kebijakan ad hoc tersebut; (iv) Program GP3K belum mampu meningkatkan produksi dan pengadaan beras BULOG. BUMN sebaiknya fokus untuk memperkuat industri hilir pada sub-sektor pangan.

Challenges to maintain rice self-sufficiency and the risks are getting higher. This is due to among others: poor irrigation infrastructure, water reserve, up-streams damage, deforestration, conversion of sawah land, as well as difficult climate change. Government policies designed have not properly focused. This paper is aimed to examine the implementation of rice policy during 2010-2012. This research suggests as follows: (i) despite continuous upgrade on input subsidies, however it did not affect significantly to the increased rice productivity and the sustainability of the growth. Furthermore, many of the irrigation and water reserve are damaged, criticle land reaching to 68 river basins. Therefore, it is recommended to allocate a larger state budget to address these matters, including deforestation; (ii) land conversions are difficult to avoid. Local governments tend to convert paddy fields. To prevent this, it is recommended to immediately set moratorium on conversion of sawah; (iii) the policy in providing price incentives set above the HPP (government procurement price) level on dry season has kept rice prices to rise and BULOG remained incapable of meeting its domestic rice procurement target. The Government recommended do not replicate the ad hoc policies; (iv) GP3K program is not effective to increase rice production and the BULOG procurement. Ministry of State Owned Enterprises should have to play role in enhancing the downstream food industry.


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Author Biography

M. Husein Sawit

Forum Komunikasi Profesor Riset (FKPR), Badan Litbang Pertanian


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